Self-Care Checklist

Here’s a good reference list if you’re looking for things to do on your self-care day!

It can be difficult to make time for some self-care on a busy schedule so having a checklist to look at is really helpful. You can challenge yourself to complete the entire thing, or pick a couple to tackle for the day. I think this is a great way of realistically sprinkling in a few self-care things throughout each day regardless of what you have going on.

Personally, I always try to get enough water, move around in some way, make a plan for the day, and unplug before bed. It helps me feel better throughout my day and I don’t feel as burnt out, fatigued, or guilty for not doing anything by bedtime.

The next time you want to incorporate some self-care into your day, try some items from this checklist or even make your own that’s more personalized to you!

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