Take a Break

Seriously, walk away for a minute.

Okay, I know I’m not the only one who gets lost in work and suddenly looks up and realizes hours have gone by. This is such a bad thing to do, but no worries because it’s an easy fix.

Take a break.

That’s right. Get up, walk away from your desk, and leave your work for a little bit. It’ll still be there when you get back!

Take some time to stretch, rest your eyes from staring at your screens, and give your brain a break. Doing this can actually lead to more creativity and productivity, more balanced emotional health, and give you an energy boost!

Having little breaks throughout your day will make you more productive and help you stay on track all day. If you give yourself a set amount of time to work and then a reward of a fifteen-minute break, you will be more focused and surprised at how much you can get done!

Whenever I take breaks, I normally grab a snack or go sit outside for some fresh air. Recently, I’ve been working on a puzzle with my roommate and have been doing some of it during my breaks.

What do you like to do on your breaks?

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