Turn Off Your Devices

No screen time before bed!

I know it can be difficult to get caught up in watching your favorite Netflix show or aimlessly scrolling through social media before bed. I’m guilty of it too! Even though this feels like a way to relax after a long day, it’s actually doing us more harm than good.

The light from your television, laptop, tablet, and phone emit a blue light that can increase your alertness and actually slow the production of melatonin. This means it’ll be harder for you to wind down and feel tired enough to go to bed.

I normally try to get off my phone and other devices about half an hour before I want to fall asleep. I make sure to plug in my phone and leave it further across my room so I’m not as tempted to go on it.

Now I know you’re wondering, what am I going to do before bed instead? A great alternative is reading. Reading before bed will actually help you relax, reduce stress, and could help you sleep better. Plus, no screen time!

Grab that book you’ve been neglecting, buy a new one you’ve been eyeing, or borrow a friend’s suggestion and try it out! Let me know what you like to read.

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