Staying Active

Get up and get moving!

I’m bound to my desk and a chair for the majority of the day. I hate to admit it, but sometimes hours can go by without me ever getting up from my spot. This leads me to feel more sluggish and uncomfortable at the end of the day when I do decide to get up.

Making sure I get up and go for a walk, do some yoga, do light stretching, or even hit the gym for a quick workout is now vital. There are many small ways to move your body around that can ultimately make a huge difference.

Physical exercise releases feel-good hormones in your body, increases your energy levels, and can help you sleep better at night. Who doesn’t want that? Being active will also help you feel better throughout your day because your body feels like it actually did something instead of being stuck at your desk.

I’ve gotten into going to the gym on a regular basis and implemented weightlifting into my workout routine. It helps my mind and body feel better.

What do you like to do? How you can be more active throughout the day?

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